Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Liferay control panel changes in 6.0.x

Here are the first glance changes i observed in control panel of Liferay 6.0.4 which are marked by red arrow (Navigation changes only)

Marked by comparing with "My Account "& "Content" related sections in earlier version (5.2.3)

Marked by comparing with "Portal" & "Server" related sections of earlier version (5.2.3)

Communities/Organizations scope section moved as shown in below (near content section in Liferay 5.2.3)

Now bread crumb looks like below

New bread crumb look

Isn't it cool? :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've been developing with Liferay lately, and find your blog really useful.

    I really like liferay, but there are some features (or I must say "lack of" :-) that I really miss.

    For example, it allows you to publish a sitemap.xml for using with the google webmaster tools, but, I don't find any easy way to publish a news sitemap for example. Have you any luck with this, apart from the obvious Code-It-Yourself solution :-) ?

    Regards and keep up with the good blog :-P
